Welcome to voyager

Today we’re introducing voyager, a creator DAO for art, music and media with a community focus on resonance and creative practice

voyager is a space to be in resonance, flow, and connection with artists, musicians, and creatives who are experimenting in web3. We are here to establish a web3 creative organization that’s collectively owned and governed by its members.

We are a community of artists founded by artists. We have fun and make stuff. Getting into a practice of making art, jamming together and sharing works in progress for cross pollination and dynamic feedback loops in connection with a network of creatives across mediums.

Whether you’ve recorded music, designed artwork, coded a generative project, made a video, or wrote an article, the community is available to share feedback, make suggestions, and amplify the energy of new works with a potential for collaboration.

Applications to join Season 0 and become an early voyager member are open here.

The genesis of voyager DAO is coming later in 2022. Our announcement today is for the founding blueprint of our creative organization:

  • curated art catalog on Zora
  • web3 music label
  • counterculture zine on Mirror

Exploring a web3 ecosystem

Art is always evolving with technology and web3 is the next evolution of the internet. Flowing like water around barriers in a process of discovery.

This is where we find ourselves today. We have experienced being artists, musicians and creators in web2 platforms that do not share equitable benefits. So what might the coming years look like in the emerging web3 space?

Aspects we consider beneficial:

  • Building with open protocols that are decentralized and community governed
  • Transparency and openness
  • On-chain provenance
  • Proof of ownership and authenticity for artists
  • Composability and co-creation in an interoperable ecosystem
  • Funding opportunities that enable artists to go their own way
  • Knowledge and tools being shared with creators and communities
  • The possibility to advance towards a more equitable and harmonious world

Call to adventure

We are keenly aware that immersion in crypto, DAOs and a NFTs degen lifestyle is depleting for many of us. Information overload and addictive use of technology is counteractive to a balanced state of being and optimum creative practice.

We are conscious of this reality for creative people. There is a sanctuary for you here. A dedicated space and time to feel into your practice.

We also understand the hesitation that people can experience when looking to get started in web3. We get it. There is so much that feels unknown and unfamiliar. So much to learn, a lack of clarity, and many different voices. Perhaps you’ll feel it’s all too difficult to get started?

Imagine voyager as your friendly welcoming party. Meeting you after a long journey to give you a ride from the airport, help with your bags, bring you straight to your destination and invite you inside.

You arrive feeling at your best and ready to have a good time. Walking into great conversations with people and friends talking about art, creative projects and everything you’re into. As we learn together and inspire each other, a dynamic signal arises from a sea of noise which helps us navigate. Tangible ritualised practice and cross pollination becomes a force of mythic proportions.

Blueprint for Season 0


Curated art hosted on the Ethereum blockchain. Published via an NFT auction house on Zora and minted to a custom contract on Manifold. We exhibit, promote and celebrate works from artists in our community.

  • Catalog built on Zora
  • Collections
  • Artists


Curated web3 music label. In the future the DAO will partly curate releases through proposals. We have community sessions where musicians share their works, connect and collaborate together. We also plan for events in real life and virtual.

  • Records + Videos
  • Events
  • Artists


Stories from the counterculture. Documenting art practice. Exploring culture, arts, music, technology, and ideas.

  • Zine on Mirror
  • Talks
  • Contributors

Origin story

The founders are friends who crossed paths living in Byron Bay, Australia. Nick Hollins has been in the web3 industry since 2017 and his work focuses in music, arts, creative direction, technology, media, and events.

Luke Bubb and Ivano Salonia are currently based in Europe, and have been collaborating for almost 10 years in art, creative, film industry and advertising. Especially focusing on VR and extended realities over the past four years.

The group first collaborated together in 2020 on a virtual reality fashion summit for Paris Fashion Week. Their journey moved full-time into web3 and developing voyager as a creator DAO in 2021.

Genesis NFTs — FLOW

FLOW represents the first on-chain art created by voyager.

The video artwork is by Luke Bubb + Ivano Salonia + Nick Hollins. Music is by Jonti.

What The Collector Gets

  • You own an edition of the first ever voyager NFT
  • On-chain recognition as the first supporters of voyager, with retroactive benefits as the community grows
  • Name on the door for future events and happenings

Where NFT Revenue Goes

All of the funds raised will be used for the voyager project

  • 80% to the NFT contributing artists to build in Season 0
  • 20% to voyager treasury

Join us

Our vision is to become a counterculture force. A wave of resonance. An adventure for creators. Spiral out and open source the knowledge.

Our Discord is open to all by application here

Our Twitter will share announcements and creative works from the voyager community

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